Manoeuvre materials safely by hand Module 83

Categories: Mining, Sale

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Manoeuvre materials safely by hand


This Course requires learners to have an understanding of how to Manoeuvre materials safely by hand

Material is handled between operations in every department, division or plant of a company. It is a job that almost every worker in the industry performs – either by hand or with mechanical help. Areas such as the work environment, the need for specific training and proper material handling engineering should be considered when reviewing material handling.

Handling of material accounts for 20 to 25 per cent of all occupational injuries.

Numerous tasks in the workplace are done that require the manual handling of material. Hundreds of persons have already been injured whilst conducting work related to the use of manual handling of equipment in and around the workplace. It is thus important that all aspects with regard to the manual handling of material in and around the workplace are highlighted. The report, monitoring and advice on the movement of people and material in and around the workplace is crucial for the safe execution of the work.

It is of utmost importance that each person handling material knows exactly what hazards they are exposed to and how to treat them. A system to continuously improve the knowledge of the employees is of vital importance



  1. Complete the Formative Assessment
  2. Watch the Video Lesson
  3. Complete the Summative Assessment
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Formative Assessment
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  • Manoeuvre materials safely by hand Formative Assessment

Video Lessons
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Summative Assessment
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