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Education and e-Learning Importance
What is e-learning actually, and how could it improve the educational practices (not only of school students but employees in an institution as well)? Here we’d normally converse about the efficiency of our training modules in the workplace, such as Occupational Health and Safety training, Fire Fighting training, as well as other mining-industry (or construction and retail) related online training with Technology Risk Solutions, but DTS also offers modules and training for students in a school environment.
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Education, a discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments as opposed to various formal and informal means of socialization.
The Pandemic and Education
As we all are aware, the 2019-nCov – pandemic and it’s associated lockdown – laws all over the world, has had a tremendous effect on children and their educational (literacy) development, especially of those that are in their development and primary development years – with schools closed in the beginning of South Africa’s Lockdown, children most likely displayed a whole new range of behavioral problems when it comes to getting their schoolwork done at home, or even complications in understanding the basic foundations of their various school subject – teachings.
Laziness, loss of focus and drive became one of the most threatening aspects of learning online instead of a classroom – set-up.
DTS understands these risks and complications, and that is why we’d like to put some ease in the whole situation – how could you benefit from having your children learn through our online portal?
Constant Improvement of Literacy
Whilst your child goes to school, they are taught certain important aspects of behaviour management, but more importantly, they acquire natural language learning in the classroom set-up. DTS’s e-learning modules in Education could also aid in having you as a parent ensure your child’s Natural Acquisition Learning keeps on improving, as you (being the parent) could use our online modules (Educational modules) to provide your child with adequate theoretical content in Afrikaans, English and Zulu for subjects such as Home Languages, First Additional Languages, Mathematics and many more. It is important to have a system when learning children online, that keeps everything on one platform – this decreases any possibilities of complications or speed-humps in the child’s educational development.
Next up, we will now discuss how DTS’s eLearning platform, or our Learning Management System (LMS), makes all the aspects involved in perfect eLearning delivery, an easier task that has everything included on one platform.
How can DTS’s LMS aid in this whole experience?
First of all, you could find a video below the Blog article that elaborates more on this subject in a visual way.
It is good to know that our LMS includes:
- Workbooks
- Assignments
- Videos
- Practical assignments
- Badges and certification,
DTS’s eLearning in Education provides e-Learning in English.
DTS has created its own Grade R to Grade 12 programs, all based on the CAPS (Curriculum Assessment Protocol Standard) standards from the Department of Basic Education, South Africa. This ensures that the learners develop their educational proficiency in a controlled, legal and effective manner with content that is adequate and relative to each age group (or Grade).
Education with your child’s best interest at heart – our integrated program consists of a:
- Home Language
- First Additional Language (FAL)
- Mathematics, and many more.
In 2021 we continue to do what we love, enabling more and more learners to achieve their National Senior Certificate (NSC) through innovative distance learning solutions.
We offer:
- Program content is available in full-colour, theme-based printable modules.
- Facilitation – the teacher, parent or guardian is required to facilitate the child’s learning by guiding him/her through the activities.
- Enrollment period – these are open throughout the whole year.
- For the duration, a suggested schedule that gives guidance on time management and planning is supplied.
- Formal assessment activities – optional Final Formal Assessment activities will be available. The completed hard copies (physical copies) should be uploaded to the DTS Online Learning platform.
We offer educated learners the opportunity to assess their progress through the South African CAPS (Curriculum Assessment Protocol Standard) curriculum (year work) as required both by good educational practice and by law. DTS Education provides teachers and parents to make use of our LMS which has been set to compile the annual portfolio of work for each learner.
In conclusion
In conclusion, the Educational modules provided by TRS on our Learning Management System is adequately equipped with the necessary module content to ensure your child’s educational needs are met.