Underground mining is one of the three main methods of mining we use to extract our products from the ground. In this DTS Blog post, we will discuss underground mining, what it is, how Digital Technology Solutions provides training in this industry, as well as some safety aspects regarding Health and Safety Practices Underground, as stated in the Mining Qualification Authority’s learning guides used by DTS eLearning in our Modules.
In one of our modules regarding this specific industry, some of the outcomes in our learning guides for our students include:


  • Explain specified requirements pertaining to basic health and safety practices;
  • Explain specified requirements pertaining to travel underground;
  • Perform basic health and safety practices

Safety in Underground Mines


All underground mining performance is dependent on the safe, effective and efficient operations of mining personnel. In order to ensure the health and safety of all persons working underground, everybody must be able to identify health and safety hazards and risks in the underground environment. Everybody must also be able to take the required action to deal with the hazard or risk safely and effectively in order to avoid personal injuries to the learner or any other person.

These conditions can only be achieved when the persons follow basic health and safety practices according to mine standards and are properly trained in terms of safe working methods and the application of rules and standards. Conditions can be set up to enhance environmental, equipment and worker safety and productivity.

In all mining operations, you must be alert to potential consequences of incorrect working standards and must strictly adhere to all laid down standards that will ensure your own safety and the safety of others, to comply with required safety standards and rules.

Some certain basic factors are common to equipment used in the underground mining industry:

  • Hazardous environmental conditions.
  • Hazardous working conditions.
  • Explosives, accessories and misfires.
  • Underground hygiene
  • Pipes under pressure, the dangers associated with air and water leaks under pressure
  • Travelling underground.
  • Use of underground conveyances.
  • Entry to the workplace.
  • Symbolic signs.
  • Personal protective equipment signs.
  • Transport of tools, material and equipment and securing, and stacking of material and equipment.
  • Physical lifting of material and equipment.
  • Use of the telecommunication system

DTS eLearning Modules


DTS’s Modules include Occupational Health and Safety training, as well as training specific to Hard Rock Mining, Thermal Coal Mining and Surface Mining, as well as Retail, Education, Construction and Fire Fighting

And where does DTS fit in?


Where does Digital Technical Solutions fit in? As you know probably, DTS provides hundreds of courses (literally, hundreds  – 320 +), and that includes Thermal Coal Mining, as well as Hard Rock Mining and Surface Mining. DTS also knows that the mining industry comes with many risks, including the risk of mineworkers having their safety and health at risk whilst going underground, or mining above ground or in any situation – accidents happen but can be prevented – that is why DTS also has Occupational Health and Safety training, as well as many other fields of training applicable to this industry.

View all our Courses for Underground Mining

We provide E-Learning Courses that can be purchase as packages by companies to ensure your workers are trained for any safety situation.